Thursday, January 01, 2009

Tu oh oh Naaine?

holy crabsticks~!!!

it seemed that my posts are only once a year??!?!!!

this is MADNESS MAN~!!!

anyways, a recap of 2008.

early year: went back to KL to finish up my thesis research.

mid of year: finished my Master of architecture

end of year: still working in same office since graduation.

status- single
condition- bored to death
daily grind- mundane
weekend grind- acceptable.

2009 resolution(s)?
- Same as 2008? hahaa... not exactly coz i don't have one in the first place.

stuffs to improve:
work place- search for a better place to work coz the current one sucks~!!!!
blog - please update more then once a year.. this is freakin ridiculous~!!! bwaagagaa..

end - might want to change the format of the blog.. maybe a photo blog.. who knows...


1 comment:

Faerie-Lady said...

Try something than!! The blog is dead... :-p